Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Miriam King and Matthew Sobek. IPUMS-Demographic and Health Surveys: Version 9 [dataset]. IPUMS and ICF, 2022. https://doi.org/10.18128/D080.V9
The IPUMS-DHS project harmonizes Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) data and documentation for Africa, the Middle East and South Asia to facilitate comparative research across time and countries. The DHS are a primary source of information on health in low- and middle-income countries. IPUMS-DHS is designed to facilitate analysis of DHS data across time and space. IPUMS-DHS adds value to the original DHS samples in the following ways: variables are coded consistently across countries and over time; web-based search and discovery tools display variable availability across surveys; documentation is organized on a cross-survey, variable-specific basis; and researchers can merge files and create customized datasets using a web dissemination system, at no cost. IPUMS-DHS includes a wide range of health-related topics for women of childbearing age, the women's births and young children, non-elderly men, and household members of all ages. The most recent version of IPUMS-DHS adds surveys and variables.
Data are available by request to registered IPUMS-DHS users. Please contact ipums@umn.edu. Archived versions of the data have been stored in fixed format files with accompanying documentation and set-up files. The full data set has been broken into appropriate subsets reflecting the content and usage of the data.
IPUMS-DHS data are continually revised. We archive annual snapshots. The changes made to Version 8 before we archived Version 9 occurred between 5-11-2022 and 4-09-2024.