2024 Full Count IPUMS Data Workshop


Held in conjunction with the 2024 Data-Intensive Research Conference

July 29-30, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN

IPUMS is hosting a summer data training workshop, held in conjunction with the 2024 Data-Intensive Research Conference. The 2024 conference theme is Harnessing the Power of Linked Data to Study Aging. The workshop will provide training on linking with full count census data from IPUMS. The workshop will be held in-person on July 29-30 at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Applications for the workshop have closed.

The workshop is targeted towards scholars who have worked with quantitative data, but are relatively new to using linked full count census data from IPUMS; this includes graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, early career faculty, or experienced scholars developing a new line of research. We hope workshop participants will also attend the research sessions of the Data-Intensive Research Conference.

Full count IPUMS data provide opportunities to link individuals across censuses and with other records to develop longitudinal data and life histories. IPUMS Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel (MLP) links individuals' records between full count census files available via IPUMS USA. The current MLP data consist of links between adjacent censuses of 1850-1940. Other projects have linked census records with other sources. By attending this workshop, participants will receive:

  • an understanding of the availability of full count data from IPUMS
  • a discussion of the challenges and opportunities of census linkage
  • an overview of the MLP linking strategy, experience requesting and working with linked data from the IPUMS USA extract system
  • resources for linking IPUMS MLP to additional data
  • time to discuss research ideas and data availability with data experts

Tentative Schedule

This schedule is tentative and subject to slight alterations in time or topical coverage of specific sessions to accommodate participant interests, presenter expertise, and social events as part of the workshop.

Monday, July 29, 2024

9:00-9:15  Breakfast
9:15-10:15  Welcome and introductions
10:30-11:15  History of IPUMS
11:30-12:30  Linkages with IPUMS data
12:30-1:45  Roundtable lunch discussions
2:00-4:00  Introduction to IPUMS Full Count Data Resources

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

9:00-9:15  Breakfast
9:15-10:15 Introduction to IPUMS MLP 
10:30-11:15  Accessing full count & MLP data via IPUMS USA
11:15-12:30  Linking Full Count and External Data Sources (including non-IPUMS data)
12:30-1:30  Lunch
1:30-4:30  Drop-in consultations with IPUMS Research Staff & Open Lab Time

Key Dates

  • April 24, 2024: Workshop applications due
  • May 15, 2024: Notification about selection for workshop (including travel support to attend)
  • July 29-30, 2024: Full Count IPUMS Data Workshop


Support for this workshop is provided by the Big Microdata Network (NSF 2020002), the Minnesota Population Center (P2CHD041023), and the University of Minnesota's Life Course Center (P30AG066613).