IPUMS USA Research Awards Winners:

Published Research:

Does Educational Equality Increase Mobility? Exploiting 19th Century U.S. Compulsory Schooling Laws
Emily Rauscher

Student Research (TIE):

More is Less? The Impact of Family Size on Education Outcomes in the United States, 1850-1940
Hui Ren Tan

The Citizenship Advantage: Immigrant Socioeconomic Attainment across Generations in the Age of Mass Migration
Peter Catron

IPUMS International Research Awards Winners:

Published Research (TIE):

Regional Variations in Farming Household Structure for the Swedish Elderly, 1890-1908
Mark Magnuson

Mapping internal connectivity through human migration in malaria endemic countries
Alessandro Sorichetta, Tom Bird, Nick Ruktanonchai, Elisabeth zu Erbach-Schoenberg, Carla Pezzulo, Natalia Tejedor, Ian Waldock, Jason Sadler, Andres Garcia, Luigi Sedda & Andrew Tatem

Student Research:

The Effects of Free Primary Education on Occupational Choice and Internal Migration in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia
Celine Zipfel

IPUMS Health Surveys Research Awards Winners:

Published Research:

Family structure and child health: Does the sex composition of parents matter?
Corrine Reczek, Russell Spiker, Hui Liu, Robert Crosnoe

Student Research:

“Unhealthy” Returns to Education: Variation in BMI-Associated Premature Adult Mortality by Educational Attainment
Iliya Gutin